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太新奇了! 出世中的小藍蝦子 Blue shrimp breeding in labor
Blue shrimp breeding.jpg
2008-11-02 買左袋小蝦, 返到屋企幾小時後, 小蝦子就出世了, 第一次看到小蝦子出生, 特別快心, 整個過程都在腦海中. 好怕蝦子BB會被食掉, 希望它們會躱在草地裡.

On Nov 2nd, 2008 I had bought a bag of blue shrimp. One of them breeding after a few hours in my tank. Check it out.
The baby shrimp is so tiny that I don't even seen it. Maybe they are been eaten. I just cross my fingers...
Good thing is, there are lot of area that the babies can hide.

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tags: 出租爸爸, 親子, Rentmy88, 魚缸, 淡水魚, fish tank, 藍蝦, clear water, 出世, 出生, 蝦BB, 出世中, Blue shrimp, baby shrimp, shrimp breeding, shrimp in labor, shrimp in labour, breeding, deliver, 配種, 孵化, 生仔, 生產, 產卵,


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Different types of Golden Fish 看看不同種類的金魚.jpg 看看不同種類的金魚

My Goldfish on 2012 June.
在2012年6月, 我養了不同種類的金魚.

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tags: 出租爸爸, 親子, Rentmy88, 魚缸, 金魚, 淡水魚, 金魚缸, goldfish, golden fish, gold fish, fish tank, Different types of Goldfish, many tyes of goldfish, 不同種類的金魚, 很多種類的金魚,


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What Ocean Fish do Daily 想睇下鹹水魚的生活嗎?

This is a small aquarium and in Fast Forward Mode.
這是一個小的鹹水缸. 快拍的.

This video is taken on 2010 Dec.

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請給我一個讚👍🏻及訂閱我的專頁. 我會加油制作更多同類分享.

tags: 出租爸爸, 親子, Rentmy88, 魚缸, 鹹水魚, 鹹水缸, ocean fish, aquarium,


想睇下鹹水魚的生活嗎 Ocean fish Daily Life.jpg


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